Is the media endangering the self-image and self-esteem of women? “A study found that three minutes spent looking at a fashion magazine causes 70% of women to feel depressed, guilty, and shameful.” ( Many women see the women on the cover or inside these types of magazines and feel like they are too fat or not as beautiful as the women they see. They start doing crazy things just to try to fit and be like those women. Magazines inform and entertain the community, but fashion magazines or magazines showing inappropriate things should cut down or censor more of the content that they are putting out in their magazines. First, magazines influence young girls to go on extreme and crazy diets. “About 40% of all 9 and 10 year old girls have already been on a diet.” ( Young girls shouldn’t have to worry about being on a diet and trying to look good. These young girls should be having fun and eat anything they want. They should worry more on their schoolwork and getting a good education. Many women overestimate their body weight. “One study found that 47% of the girls were influenced by magazine pictures to want to lose weight, but only 29% were actually overweight.” ( Magazines are corrupting the minds of these young women, making them believe that to be beautiful you have to be a certain body size. Magazine writers would say that they can help women maintain a good diet and be healthy, but many of the women get eating disorder from the diet they are doing. “Our society’s worship of muscularity may cause increasing numbers of women to develop pathological shame about their bodies Our observations of these little plastic toys have simulated us to explore further links between cultural messages, body image disorders use of steroids and other drugs,” says researcher Dr. Harrison Pope. These types of things need to calm down or stop or many women will suffer disorders and some could die.