
College Minorities and Affirmative Action

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In order to make students integrated into the ever changing and diverse society that is the United States, it is the responsibility of colleges to have diverse schools. Tolerance and acceptance are crucial in order to be able to thrive. In order to accomplish this, colleges and universities implement affirmative action in order to have a balance of minorities and majorities in their schools. Affirmative action in itself is the process of colleges and universities reaching out to minority areas that are underrepresented. When they visit these places they will usually encourage the minority students to attend their school. Of this diverse nation, there are minorities and majorities, short, fat, tall, skinny, rich, poor people that make up America. We all try our best to get along cordially, but we never seem to be able to. Extreme oppression once plagued the blacks which seems so long ago but considering that events like Little Rock were less than 60 years ago we are reminded that that isn't true. Japanese concentration camps were in the US only 69 years ago. In the scope of time that is a mere blip in the course of our existence. Now, that being said, it would be counter productive to be enveloped in righting the wrongs throughout our history by implementing laws that segregate whites and blacks in which blacks and latinos are being accepted into schools and job positions based on their race. Unfortunately we can never run away from the fact that we are a nation that had slavery, segregation, and racism. We try to deny all this operation such as slavery, civil rights, and Jim Crow. We came up with the idea of affirmative action in order to give minorities a chance to be better able to have more success because it is harder for them to obtain higher education. In 2007 ncsl conducted a survey in which 70 percent of white high school graduates across the country went on to enroll in college while 56 percent of blacks and 61 percent of hispanics went on to enroll in college. Affirmative action is not meant to bring down the white percentage but to bring up the minority percentage. As of now the average college will use 15 percent of their acceptance capacity on affirmative action. This guarantees that 15 percent of a college class will be represented by minorities. Some colleges have opted to not have any affirmative action programs at all. For example the admissions for minority students at the University of California at Berkeley dropped 61 percent and minority admissions at the University of California at Los Angeles dropped 36 percent. This all came after the state of California abolished its affirmative action programs in 1998. Furthermore, the freshman class at Rice University 46 percent fewer Blacks and 22 percent fewer Hispanic students. This came after Texas got rid of its affirmative action programs as well. The acceptance rate of a student in the affirmative action programs across the country is

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