There is a reason why chimpanzees have never been man’s prey. The animal is difficult to hunt; they have memories better than the average person, making hunting tactics almost impossible to replicate. They communicate through a complex system of vocalizations, gestures, body postures and facial expressions. They have the ability to manipulate, and exploit men. In other words, Chimps are smart. However, Chimpanzees aren’t the only intelligent creatures missing out on game season. Women who aren’t sloppy drunk, spreading their mouths over loaded shotgun barrels are the ones who are being utterly snubbed of attention over, and over again. Throughout my years of post-pubescent life, I have come to notice grown men, older cousins, and of course, boys my age, courting the women that make themselves accessible. By accessible, I don’t mean the girls that don’t entirely resist playing “footsie” with the over-zealous boy from her health class. I’m talking about the women with the sole intention of being noticed-prepping for hours to reveal the proper amount of cleavage, while simultaneously loading their faces with mascara, red lipstick, concealer, foundation, and face primer until it looks completely unrecognizable. This is the anti-camouflage. With all this garish, manufactured “beauty,” sensible, intelligent women everywhere are being ignored. Not necessarily the introvert in the back of the library, reading Maya Angelou while carrying along her Morrissey-decorated book bag. The whole damn spectrum is disregarded. The girl ardently thrusting her hand up in biology class, the one standing in front at the BSU assembly, vehemently passing the notion that MLK was wrong, or even the one with the baggy jeans and tethered hair who you can just never win arguments with. They all have one fatal flaw: they’re unapproachable. This isn’t purely because their “smart,” IQ really has very little to do with it. What these girls