
The Horror Movie Genre

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There is a close correlation between horror movies and the darkest underlying of a person's desires. Seeing something mythical that can only be seen in Hollywood movies sometimes messes with my day to day functions. However, I like to consider it as a type of outlet which releases my darkest and evilest desire. Ever since I found out that I had the ability to occasionally see spirits of the dead, I have wanted to know more about them. Although they are fictional, horror movies are a way for me to understand and get to know how to deal with ghosts. Some people have very busy lives. Some like to drink or use recreational drugs to get away from reality for a little bit, whereas others might like to relax and watch horror movies. Horror movies allow for an individual’s true feelings to run wild. It acts as a way to get away from real life and lets the imagination run wild. If someone has had a stressful day at work and had to deal with people who were all constantly rude and gets on his or her nerves, that individual probably just wants to come home, turn on Netflix, and watch a scary movie. Some like to imagine themselves as a character in the horror movie to release their stress. If after that stressful day that person decided to watch “Friday the 13th”, then imagines his or herself as Jason who kills everyone, it acts as a stress reliever. Since the individual cannot actually go out to the real world and just murder everyone, he or she would use the character Jason as a source of cleansing of their built up stress and emotions. For people like that, horror movies act as a way for a little bit of their inner insanity to “exercise”. Every single person has a hideous and dark desires. Watching horror movies acts as a catharsis for all the build up of those oppressed dark emotions. In today’s society, it is hard to survive without showing emotions. If a person just let’s the tension build up and shows only the good emotions o

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