
Economic Status and Healthcare

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The industrial development has made more people move into the area, at least once a year another building is being made and this small town becomes more populated as time goes on. It has made a change in a negative manner. More crime and diseases are at risk as time goes on. I believe my community has high health expectations for people to stop smoking and exercise moderately. This is taught to us in health class in high school, that smoking is bad and during gym we are taught how exercising is important. Cigarette use is popular it’s a small town with many people so you can see how many people smoke cigarettes just walking down the block. Alcohol and drug consumption are very popular from high school to older adults. Many people see this as the cool things to do or the normal thing to do on the weekends The socioeconomic status depends on the family some are middle class and some do not have much money to live, so they are pressured to make bad decisions. The average income for a family would be $24,419, while a person from a middle class family averages $44,657. As you can see that is not a lot of money yearly, West New York has a good education program, in high school the counselors want there students to all go to college and go on to the next level but it is the choice of the student has to make, 24% of the people that are 25 or older in the community have a bachelors degree. I believe my community wants people to have health insurance but I feel over half the community does not have health insurance. The amount of money they make financially is to get by and cannot afford it. As for environmental problems, the popular two would air pollution and river pollution. The Hudson River is right down the hill and over the years it gets worse and worse. It is one of the most polluted rivers in the county. According to ( it is ranked as the 24th most polluted river in the nation. Lifestyle diseases as obesity, diabetes

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