More than 60 percent of the United States adult population is considered overweight, or obese. According to Oxford Dictionary, "obesity," is related to the condition of having an excessive accumulation of body fat. It is wise to say that an individual with an excessive amount of body fat, becomes an easy target of developing life-altering diseases. The real causes and effects of the obesity, are frequently debated in our society. Among all the possible culprits to this issue, we can put into consideration 3 in particular, unhealthy diets, genetic predisposition, and sedentary lifestyle. Understanding how these symptoms of obesity work, can help prevent it from affecting further people. An unhealthy diet can be one of the largest culprit when it comes to obesity. A lot of different advertisements show delicious food, full of flavor. However, whenever we take a look from a different point of view, we can see how much fat and sugar are in these advertised foods. In addition to a sedentary lifestyle, that kind of food makes energy intake, greater than energy expenditure, generating obesity. Obesity is also caused by a genetic predisposition. In other words, if your parents were heavy or overweight, there are good chances that you will be, too. According to World Health Organization, for thousands of years, man starved and moved constantly. Therefore, those surviving were the ones that were able to store more energy, and burn little quantity of calories. Because we are descendants of those survivors, we must exercise to maintain a healthy weight. In order not to exceed our body fat, in a way that it influences negatively our health. A type of lifestyle with little physical activity, is called a sedentary lifestyle. A lack of exercise, will also cause an individual to gain weight. This is related to technological advances, because it becomes easier do tasks that before requested more body energy. According to the Professor of Psychiatry and