
Irrigation and the Colorado River

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Irrigation started in Egypt in 6000 BC. It became very popular throughout the time and got its way to America. Irrigation is rain water that is stored and then used for planting crops, showering, having water to wash your hands and for many other daily uses. Be thankful to irrigation that we are alive - without irrigation we probably wouldn't be born yet or not have been born at all. In different parts of the world they usually have a main source of water. In our zone which is the South West the Colorado River is our main source of water. The Colorado River provides water to around 17 million civilians. The Colorado River is Yuma’s main source of water. Not only does the Colorado provides us with that source is also provides it to Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Tucson. The people living in the basin of the Colorado River depended on this water wherever they lived. Their right to use the Colorado River water was far more valuable to them than their title to the land. It even carries some water to the metropolitan area of Los Angeles. Irrigation is probably the main reason that these cities got much bigger throughout the years. Irrigation made a huge population impact in Yuma, Arizona. Yuma would only be a couple thousand of citizens if irrigation had not expanded. We expanded so far we now have Wellton-Mohawk which approximately 5,000 citizens. Yuma in the 1900s had around 60,000 people living here and in 2013 the most recent recording it was almost 92,000 people living here. In the winter our population nearly doubles because of people named the “Snowbirds.” These people only come down to live for about five months in the winter but it makes a big economic impact. These areas mostly depend on the local farming. Due to how much Yuma started farming their was a huge economic impact. Each farm would spend approximately $900,000 a year for equipment, irrigation and all of those things according to the uncompleted census of agriculture in 2002. The Wellton-Mohawk area had a high annual agricultural income. The income that was recorded in 1974 was around 37 million dollars. Pinal county, Maricopa county and Yuma county all had high value in agriculture products that were sold throughout the year. Yuma was the highest with 800 million dollars then came Maricopa with 740 million dollars and then Pinal with 400 mil

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