A good education is an important part of one's life. To achieve a good education, one should attend both high school and college. Although some people think high school has a lot in common with college, I find them to be very different. After graduating from high school I enrolled into college and noticed that there are many differences between them. A few of these differences include the cost of attending, workload, freedom. In the first place, terms of cost, college is expensive than high school because of tuition, living expenses, and books. As you attend college you must pay fees, where as you attend high school it is free. Tuition for college can start at $1,500 per term or higher. The government funds high school, so high school students doesn’t have to pay for their education. As well for tuition, college students must worry about residence or rental costs for living close to the college’s campus. High School students do not have to worry about living expense because majority of the student’s live at home with their parents for free. College is more expensive than high school when it comes to the cost of the learning materials. College students must buy textbooks for each course they take. High School students never have to worry about buying their textbooks because high schools always keep a set of books that students use and return at the end of the year. Also, the workloads in college are more challenging than the workload in high school. In high school students average only one in three assignments per week and most teachers will let you turn in your homework late if you give them an excuse such as, "I forgot it at home" or "It's in my locker." There are also a lot more tests in high school. Although there are more tests, the work is not as hard. College students are faced with the task of having to complete an average of three to five assignments per week. There are more assignments in college, and they are more chal