My philosophy on marriage is that it's a relationship between two people that are in love with each other and want to spend a lifetime together building a family. They would do anything for each other and always have each other’s back. In a marriage I value the love and relationship the two people have between each other because that is what a marriage is based on and built from. I don’t believe in the traditional marriage where the wife sits at home and does house work all day and takes care of the children while husband works all day. My marriage style is definitely an egalitarian marriage style; I grew up in a household where my parents do everything equally, they both work, clean, do yard work, and parent the same. My parents are my biggest role models on what a perfect happy marriage is supposed to be like. A marriage contract is very important to write and go over with your partner. The purpose for this contract is to figure out what I want in my marriage when that time comes and what I value and expect to be in my marriage, as well as my partners. Relationships and individuals change which means I would need to re-evaluate this contract every few years during my marriage and talk it over with my spouse. I also don’t know when I’m going to get married so I would need to re-evaluate my contract, as I get older and mature as things change. I want to be a respiratory therapist so for my career I would need to find a job at a hospital and it doesn’t matter to me what my husband does for a living as long as he is making an income. I would preferably find a job in Dallas since that’s where I’m from and that’s where I would want my husbands job to be as well. In my family both my parents worked, but there was also a point in time where my mom didn’t work and just my dad worked. I would like for both my husband and I to work but if there was a reason as to why one of us couldn’t work that would be ok too. I would like for both of us to work though so we can equally bring in an income and support each other and our family. I understand that some jobs require and need night meetings and overnight travel because my dad did that for his job. As long as I can trust my husband and he can trust me then I don’t mind him or I having night meetings or overnight business travel because I value that you need that for a job sometimes. If my husband got a promotion or a job offer and needed to move to another location then I would go with them because that’s the point of a marriage, you stand by their side through anything and everything. When I get married to my husband I still want us both to have our friends strictly involved because I think friends are in important part of a relationship. Handling vacations and holidays with friends should be equally done with my husband and I, and friends should and can be invited to both if wanted to or necessary. I don’t think having opposite sex friends in a marriage is a bad thing, I understand that everyone has opposite sex friends because I have a lot of really good friends that are of the opposite sex as long as it doesn’t get out of hand or they become to close. Social gatherings are important to me because I like to keep in touch with my friends and hanging out with my friends as well as my spouses’ friends, so they are always welcome as well as nights out with the boys/girls. I don’t feel that there is any need for my husband and I to be together just us all the time, its always nice to have a night out with his boys or my girls because we have enough trust in each other to do that and I