
The Children of War

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One can only imagine living through brutal wars as a child. Millions of children live this very nightmare every single day. Daily, children suffer as a result of war and conflict. As a result they are affected in different ways based on their experience. Of all different groups that suffer through war (men, women, soldiers) children suffer the most. Ishmael Beah and the child soldiers in Sierra Leone were affected both physically and mentally for various reasons. Many of the children are affected mentally because of loved ones they’ve lost. In result, their sadness is converted and expressed through anger. “I joined the army to avenge the death of my family” – Ishmael Beah, "A Long Way Gone." As a result of this anger Ishmael and his soldiers became monsters who justified their actions by thinking that they were avenging fallen loved ones. “My childhood had gone without my knowing, and it seems as if my heart had frozen”–Ishmael Beah, a Long Way Gone. Once Ishmael came to terms with his actions, he realized he has become a killing machine and his childhood had flown by. In Summary, Ishmael did horrible things, but his actions were a product of his war-torn environment, which mentally affected him. Child suffering from war is often overlooked, not only because of lack of media coverage. Children affected in Syria are often overlooked because evidence of serious mental trauma is not yet apparent. “The risks are that you’re going to breed a generation of teenagers who want to fight and kill each other”–Amanda Woerner. Since many of the victims are children, they may have slight mental trauma, but the violent reality of their trauma may not become apparent for several years. Children are not only affected mentally but physically. In Afghanistan children are subjected to harm from bullets, bombs, and land mines. “Most civilian casualties of the prolonged war in Afghanistan were the direct result of ballistic or lan

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