Money isn’t as important as we may think it is. In “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pockets,” the themes are "do not worry about the little things" and "money is not important." In “One Thousand Dollars,” the themes are "money cannot buy love" and "be happy with what you get or what you have." “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pockets” was written in the 1956 by Jack Finney. It is about a man, named Tom, risking his life over a piece of paper for work instead of going out with his wife to a movie. He cares about money more than going out with his wife. Tom said, “You won’t mind though, will you, when the money comes rolling in and I’m known as the boy wizard of Wholesale Groceries?” This quote means Tom is staying home to work on his job instead of spending time with his wife at a movie. The themes in this story says money is not as important as spending time with his wife. In the story, “One Thousand Dollars” the themes are money cannot buy love and be happy with what you get or what you have. The story “One Thousand Dollars” is written by O. Henry in the 1900’s. It is about a man, named Gillian, who inherits money from his uncle and gave it to a woman, named Miss. Hayden, because he loves her. In the story Gillian said, “that you know I love you.” This quote means he loves Miss. Hayden and that she does not love him back. Gillian also said, “I lost the thousand dollars on the races..” This quote means that Gillian gave the $50,000 to Miss. Hayden and lied about giving her the $1,000 too. The themes in this story say that Gillian would rather give the money to his love, Miss. Hayden, hoping that she’ll love him back. The stories “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pockets” and “One Thousand Dollars” have a similar theme. The theme they have in common is money cannot buy love or happiness. In both stories they have things that relate to each other. In “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pockets” T