
My View on Arranged Marriage

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Marriage is one of the largest and most important milestones in an individuals life. It symbolizes the life-long commitment between two people, unifying them and their families. The saying “first comes love, then comes marriage,” describes how the ideal marriage arises from in Western culture, however, it can actually occur the other way around. Arranged marriage is a tradition where parents match their child with a suitable spouse to be with for the rest of the life. Here in Canada, we are fortunate with the freedom to make our own decisions and be with whom we want to be, but that does not necessarily imply that families are obligated to standardize to our ethic code. Many immigrants may come to Canada to seek for better life, yet still stick to their customs such as arranged marriage. Despite the controversy to as the acceptance of this practice in Western Culture, I believe that they can have a place in today’s Canadian society. Arranged marriage has been constantly viewed as horrific by the media, but there are many benefits to it. In fact, it can be quite similar to how our society seeks for a potential mate. Finally, it can also help build Canada’s unique reputation. Some benefits that come from arranged marriage and are often neglected include a guarantee of marriage, lower divorce rate, and possible prevention from future tensions and complications within the marriage itself and each other’s families. With arranged marriage in mind, the chances for an individual to end up never finding a spouse is low since it is up for the parents to find a suitable match for them. Therefore there is little pressure on the individual to find someone who is willing to spend the rest of their lives with them, hence giving those who identify themselves as “socially awkward” an opportunity to prove themselves worthy of providing someone else a happy life. Furthermore, the main causes of divorce include infidelity, unrealistic expectations, and lack of equity; arranged marriages demolis

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