1. What things do the McClellan’s do, which cause them to be classified as peculiar? They don’t participate in the destructive activities that are deemed normal by society instead they prefer to talk, relax, think and discover. They ‘talk for pleasure’ and to Montag and society this is unfathomable. They keep their lights on late at night purely so they can communicate and refuse to be trapped in the world of parlor walls. 2. What final question does Clarisse ask Montag on the night of their first encounter? Why is the question important to the plot? Clarisse’s final question to Montag is ‘Are you happy?’ Until this moment, Montag has never questioned the rules, morals or opinions of society. He was told he was happy, and he believed it until this point. She encourages him to look beyond what is presented by society, ask questions and ultimately see the worlds potential to be something beautiful. Her question sparks a conflict, a flame inside Montag, a flame that appears to continue to burn throughout the novel. 3. Describe the bedroom, which Montag enters. Whom does the setting characterize? ‘It was like coming into the cold marbled room of a mausoleum after the moon had set. Complete darkness, not a hint of the silver world outside, the windows tightly shut, the chamber a tomb world where no sound from the great city could penetrate.’ This description is actually characterizing Mildred after her overdose. Her body was cold and vacant like a cold marbled room, her soul dark with no hint of the lively spark that once existed, eyes locked, guarded, her spirit lost in her depression. 4. What event occurs that night which provides Montag with an impression of the state of society? What is the impression? Mildred, Montag’s wife commits suicide that night, and this event in addition to Clarisse’s thought provoking question earlier throw Montag’s mind into chaos. He begins to see the world as it is, and discovers his depressed, suicidal, empty, emotionless wife is in many ways a typical citizen. He sees the disconnect and lack of communication and genuine feeling amongst communities, he sees technologies shallow distraction techniques as they are, he sees the cold, unsympathetic, harsh nature of the world and its people. 5. What observations does Clarisse make about how Montag differs from other firemen? Clarisse describes Montag as different to other fireman ‘When I talk, you look at me. When I said something about the moon, you looked at the moon, last night. The others would never do that.’ Montag still has a foot i