Illegal immigration to America is not a new problem. It's an ongoing issue; showing prominence in the second half of the twentieth century. According the US Department of State, a visa is “for temporary stay, or an immigrant visa for permanent residence,” but rather than staying the length of their given legal right, many thousands of immigrants are settling in and planting roots. Approximately 40% of illegal immigrants arrived in the US with an authorized visa. That is almost 4-5 million people that are here illegally after their visas expired. About 50 percent of illegal immigrants were convicted of a crime; Illegal immigrants kill approximately 13 Americans everyday, which is a death toll of 4,745 per year. Many people overstay their visa expiration date versus getting smuggled into the country, because it is much easier, and poses less of a risk to get caught. According the US Border Patrol, a smuggler can get paid as little as 150 to as much as 3,500 dollars per person to smuggle them into the United States. While smuggling is more risky then overstaying a visa, many people get away with it. Only about 20% of people getting smuggled get caught. Another way to be smuggled in is to buy or rent fake or real US documents. Approximately four million illegals are getting into the United States per year. While there may be many differences between the two different ways immigrants become illegal or get into another country illegal, there are many similarities. For example, they all come here to live a better life. They all want to leave their native country, because it does not provide them with the vast variety of things they can pursue in another country. Another great example would be the living conditions. The living conditions here in the US are way better then that in Mexico. Poverty is a major problem in Mexico, but they could come to the US, get a job, and live in a much better environment then they were in before. While s