
The Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire

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The Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire changed many people’s thoughts about the industrial worker’s occupational hardships. The current historical era is what is considered the Progressive Era and this film shows the workers struggles as an immigrant in the industrial work force. The fire at the company was one of the major moments in the Progressive Era and for the Women’s Suffrage movement. The main topic of this film is to emphasize on a particular moment in history and how it creates an understanding of and contributes to the Progressive Era. The fire was a momentous occurrence due to how it divulges the appalling circumstances in which workers experience on a day to day basis. The majority of the workers at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company were women escaping from their home countries. It was common in the Progressive Era for many immigrants to come the United States in the pursuit of political and religious freedom. In most countries, one must encompass a means of revenue in order to feed their selves and provide shelter. With this in mind immigrants went to seek jobs of any kind in order to get by and live the America dream. While some foreign guests were not seeking a new home, but a way of gaining money, others saw this as what life is at the time. Industrial company owners capitalized on this great opportunity to gain a cheap workforce. In New York City around 1920 the population was majority immigrants, so for the several business owners to have an exceeding amount of workers is more than ideal. The industry owners saw to gain money by any means necessary even if that meant harmful working conditions and at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company this was the case. They would get injuries and have to continue working without enough time to even treat the wounds properly. The workers did not even have time to use the restroom and they became weary seeking better working conditions. The idea of a union came about, but the governm

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