
Sexual Exploitation of Children

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Internet technology has turned sexual exploitation of children into a global problem. With the abundance of technology at just a few hits on a keyboard, a pedophile can download and share sexually explicit photographs and videos. Digital photos can be sent electronically via cell-phones and home computers. The horrific possibilities are endless. These images cross borders worldwide and can do so in a fraction of a second. Pedophiles use the internet to turn a profit; selling and distributing child pornography, hosting pay-per-view chatrooms and organizing various types of illegal sex-trades. Some child pornographers use the internet to arrange "vacations" to Thailand, India or other countries where they can visit brothels, finding twisted ways to gratify their urges to sexually abuse young boys and girls. Law enforcement has a difficult time convicting individuals of child pornography, with victims worldwide, some cannot be identified, with search and seizure laws. Were was the crime committed, was the image taken in your hometown or across the world, who has jurisdiction to prosecute. How do you prove intent if you download an image without first viewing it. Another issue is digitally altered images, editing or airbrushing, make it difficult to prove that the photograph is of a minor. Global law enforcement is working together to crack down on child pornography rings. While there has been an increase of legislation worldwide in the last decade. A 2006 study showed by Center for Missing and Exploited Children, that out of 184 countries, 95 have no legislation in place specifically for child pornography and 41 countries do not criminalized possession of child pornography (Child Pornography and Sexual Exploitation, 2010). In 2005, the ECPAT End Child Prostitution, Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purpose, produce a study to see what were some of the factors that leave children vulnerable; poverty, social disruption,

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