This paper is directed towards 30 to 65 year olds who are living in the United States. The intended audience are cancer patients preparing for chemotherapy or individuals who have a loved-one who will be entering the chemotherapy process. diagnosed who has been diagnosed. with cancer and are strongly considering chemotherapy as their treatment method. The patients are letting the doctors take the lead and determine the best treatment without doing their own research. They are against the idea of exploring the natural methods for treating cancer. Cancer is a major killer in the United States, claiming millions of lives each year, yet medical society has yet to embrace a truly effective cure. Chemotherapy is the one of the most widely used cancer treatments in the United States today, although it has an incredibly low success rate and a large range of negative side effects. The medical industry stubbornly treats cancer with radiation and chemotherapy drugs, not willing to try proven natural methods that normally have a much higher success rate but are not as financially rewarding. Chemotherapy is an ineffective method for treating cancer because it effects the quality of life, destroys the body with toxic drugs and it only suppresses the cancer for a short time before ultimately causing cancer to come back even more lethal and devastating. Toxic chemotherapy drugs can destroy cancer cells but chemotherapy does not just target the cancerous cells; it targets all fast growing cells in the body. The crucial neural cells in the brain are an example of healthy cells that chemotherapy targets. Scientist, Thomas Maugh reports that a study discovered that “low doses of the [chemotherapy] drugs caused a 60% to 90% reduction in the viability of the brain cells but had little effect on tumor [or cancer] cells." Maugh goes on to say after the chemotherapy treatment, negative effects in the brain persisted in certain patients for an indefinite period of time or until their demise (29). Brain damage is a very serious problem because damage to those crucial brain cells lowers the immune system and works brutally against the body and it's natural healing methods. Brain damage also dramatically effects the patient's quality of life while having only a small effect on the cancer cells. Scientists, Graeme Morgan, Robyn Ward and Michael Barton wrote an article called “The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-Year Survival in Adult Malignancies” and reported that had some patients been fully informed about chemotherapy, they would not have chosen this particular treatment (557). Most cancer patients would deem brain damage an unacceptable side effect and rather spend the rest of their days with their family and a fully functioning brain. Chemotherapy also is known to effect the cells that line the stomach and intestines. Daniel Cukier, Frank Gingerelli, Grace Makari-Judson and Virginia McCullough, authors of “Coping with Chemotherapy an