Rafflesia arnoldii, or giant lotus, is obligate parasites of plants that grow on the trunk lianas (vines) of genus Tetrastigma. Raflesia other species also have the same host. Rafflesia arnoldii was first discovered in 1818 in the tropical forests of Sumatra by a guide who works at Dr. Joseph Arnold who are following the expedition of Thomas Stanford Raffles, so the plant was named after the discoverer history merger between Raffles and Arnold. Rafflesia arnoldii does not have leaves and cannot perform photosynthesis itself and instead takes nutrients from its host tree. Visible forms of this Rafflesia flower are grown only in a certain period of time. Its existence hides for months in the body of its host until it grows flowers that only bloom a week. The Rafflesia flower is the identity of Bengkulu province and as one of the rare flower of the three national flower of Indonesia accompany flower nation (Jasminum sambac jasmine or white) and flower charm (moon orchids or Phalaenopsis amabilis) by Presidential Decree No. 4 of 1993 on Wildlife and National Interest. The first botanist to find a specimen of a Rafflesia was the French explorer Louis Auguste Deschamps (1765-1842). He was a member of a French scientific expedition to Asia and the Pacific. During the expedition he spent three years on Java, where in 1797 he collected a specimen of what is now known as R. patma. During the return voyage in 1798, his ship was taken by the British, with whom France was at war, and all his papers and notes were confiscated. They did not see the light of day until 1954 when they were rediscovered in the Natural History Museum, London. The British botanist Joseph Arnold (1782-1818) and the statesman Sir Thomas Stamford Bingley Raffles (1781-1826, founder of modern Singapore) collected a specimen of another Rafflesia species found by a Malay servant in Sumatra in 1818. Arnold contracted a fever and died soon after the discovery. Lady Raffles, who had also been present when the specimen was collected, finished the color drawing that Arnold