In Florida, a boy named Treyvon Martin, was shot and killed by George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain on duty. Treyvon at that time was walking to a convenience store to buy candy and juice, George Zimmerman called the police on him because he said “he looked suspicious," as Treyvon Martin turned around in the store, George Zimmerman shot him in the chest, and Treyvon was just holding a Arizona iced tea and skittles. George Zimmerman did not serve jail time because he told the police that it was self-defense. After Treyvon was shot and killed, racial protest, marches, and rallies were held around the nation. In Ferguson, Missouri, racial discrimination towards African-Americans has been going on every day, this is because 2/3 of the community is black and 95 percent of the police force is white. Every day the African-American’s of this community are pulled over or stopped by the police just because they are black. Juramel, an African-American living in Ferguson, states “They don’t treat us like humans, were like animals to them, ones they can shoot down like deer." Racial discrimination is still a big thing in America as of today, this leads to injustice, protest, and crime every day. Intuitional racism is any action, intentional or unintentional, that is based on race or skin color and that subordinates an individual or group based on skin color or race is racism. For example, one of my all-time favorite baseball players, Jackie Robinson, usually known as the first black man to play professional baseball. He was put done by white people every day because they told him that baseball was no place for a black person. He would have people tried to kill him just because he was black and playing professional baseball. “I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking meall I ask that you respect me as a human being” (Jackie Robinson). We shouldn’t see people as a color; we should see people as humans. People are quick