
The Most Important Astronomical Study

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There has been two important studies about astronomy: do planets with life exist elsewhere in the Milky Way galaxy?" or "what is the ultimate future of the universe?" Both studies were mentioned as the importance for the future of human beings. The main point is that which one is more important topic to determine. Although Many astronomers have been investigating if there is extraterrestrial existing elsewhere in the galaxy and they found out a few planets with water and clouds which can be the evidence of the life a while ago. However, human could not find the existence of the life else than human. On the other hand, there is a specific study about the ultimate future of the universe. It shows the improvement, proceed of the study and verifies it is more valuable to investigate. At first, the most plausible reason why "what is the ultimate future of the universe?" should be chosen is because it is directly related to human beings' future. There are two opposite hypotheses: big crunch, big freeze. The big crunch is one possible story for the future of the universe, in which the expansion of space eventually reverses and the universe re-collapses, ultimately ending as a black hole singularity or causing a reformation of the universe starting with another big bang. On the other side, big freeze is the scenario if the universe will expands forever, the universe will cool as it expands, eventually becoming too cold to sustain life. From the astronomers' perspective, the universe is getting closer to big freeze. In both ways, the universe will end and every life in the universe will be extinct as well. It means that if astronomers have to choose one topic to study, they will need to study "what is the ultimate future of the universe?" to prepare for the human beings' future. If every life in the universe is gone, then it is meaningless to find extraterrestrial. Human beings must be alive to study more about universe. Even if extrate

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