The Epidemic Divorce is becoming an epidemic in today’s society. Not many relationships especially those of the younger generation lasts 3 years after marriage. Neither party wants to give or receive information from one another. Marriages commit in sickness and in health, for better or for worse. They take vows that are later broken by the number 1 cause of all relationships, lack of communication. The Youth of Today’s Generation Today’s youth are not focused on marriage, good communication, and happiness. This generation wants everything quick and fast. The youth are centered on bashing one another’s self-esteem to get to the top. Today’s generation shows the dog-eat-do world at its best. Their mind-set is much more carnivorous, they will take out anything that stands in their way from them getting to the top. The youth of this society is obsessed with technology and the slang of today. They know not how to have a formal conversation. They talk how they text in every sense of the word. Relationships for them don’t last because of lack of communication. They feel like they have found the one of their dreams. That person makes them smile, consoles them when they are sad. The young adults of today’s have that all figured out by 15. They see themselves with this person for the rest of their lives. No one else will be able to make them as elated as this person has. The only way they will be happy will be for that person to come back into their lives and make it beautiful again. The adolescents of today engage in everything at such a young age now. They are making very adult decisions. Their mind is set on what they want and nothing can nor will nothing deter them from that, whether the situation turns out bad or good. Sex is a major problem their mind is incapable of understanding sex at only 14, 15, 16 years of age. Once they have broken that threshold nothing in the