
Creation of myth

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Creation stories vary in many parts of the world. Not all creation stories are the same but they contain many similarities, in which I will compare using the creation of man in the Bible and Greek mythology. The creation of man in both the Bible and Greek mythology has one of the most compelling similarities because both stories had a god that was powerful and had the ability to create inhabitants, which is referring to humans. In Greek mythology, after the gods had created the universe, they gave the brothers Prometheus and Epimetheus the power to create man. Although, Epimetheus was describe as impulsive and was known to have created creatures that had wings, claws and power, in doing so, he wasted what was know to be “supernatural resources.” Because of this, Prometheus had to make humans from clay which he portrayed physical features by how the gods looked, they were weak and naked, no skills. Humans were helpless. This correlates to how man was created in bible from the way God had created man. Man was created by dirt, another mineral as Prometheus did with Clay. Another similarity these two creation stories is how women are viewed and how women were the cause of our fall from grace. In Genesis, it talks about how god created man and woman known as Adam and Eve. The companions lived in the Garden of Eden, where no harm could be made. In the Garden of Eden, there was a tree that God told them not to eat from. Eventually, Eve ate the fruit and convinced Adam to do so as well which led to them being exiled from the Garden of Eden and losing their immortality. Therefore, Eve was responsible for the suffering of mankind. Pandora, first woman created for man as a gift to punish Prometheus for stealing fire and giving it to humans, because he wanted to help them make tools and grow crops to survive. Pandora had a jar, that when opened unleashed pain, suffering, diseases etc. Although, when she closed the jar, it is said that hope re

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