
Versions of Cinderella

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Virtually everyone has heard one version of a fairy tale at some point in their lives whether they realized it or not. Some fairy tales change from generation to generation while others remain more or less the same for centuries. When examining adaptations of fairy tales you must look at the original source to see where the changes all began. Throughout the years we have always seen Cinderella as a strong fairytale figure for young girls all around the world, its interesting that there are so many negative aspects associated with it, and what people really think about the character. There are still positives associated with Cinderella, but through different takes on the story such as "Aschenputtel," "The 12 Months," "The Algonquin Cinderella," and "Tam and Cam" and articles such as "Cinderella Ate My Daughter" and "Cinderella's Mother Becomes a Cow," we see that there are all different opinions tied to it. All the stories center around Cinderella having unfortunate events in her life, with differences around in order to give each story a different feel. Each of the four stories all tell the original tale of Cinderella in their own way. They all have unique differences that set them a part from one another. The Aschenputtel Cinderella tale, tells a story of a girl that had lived with her father and two step sisters. Throughout the story she has to attend three balls. At the third ball that she went, she loses a gold shoe that she has. The story takes a complete turn for the worst, when one of Aschenputtel's step sisters cuts off her toe so that she is able to fit into the shoe. The prince then discovers that Aschunputtel is the one who's foot is the right match for the shoe. They ultimately fall in love and live happily ever after, just like the orginal tale that we all know. Moreover, in the tale The Twelve Months it seems to be completely different to the story that Aschenputtel goes through. This story is about a girl named Marouckla

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