
Gregor in The Metamorphosis

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In "The Metamorphosis," Gregor is without a place because his family slowly neglects him after the transformation, putting him into isolation. For example, “We would of never have gotten Gregor to open the door by ourselves; he’s so stubborn.” (10) Gregor is so stubborn that we would of never gotten him to open the door. Because Gregor had no plan on opening the door, it shows that he isolates himself even towards his own family. Gregor became a workaholic when he became the moneymaker of the family. Gregor working so much led to his stubbornness. Gregor’s habit causes him to lock the door every time he is in his room, which causes him to confine himself from his family. When Gregor’s family leaves him as the sole supporter for the family, it turned him into a workaholic. Becoming a workaholic caused him to have a habit of locking doors no matter what, isolating him from his family. Gregor doesn’t talk to his family about his day or about work so how is his family suppose to find out how he’s doing nor they don’t ask. As a human, Gregor’s job causes him to travel to many places thus he couldn’t build a solid relationship with his family. Not only that he was imprisoned by his job but also by his parent’s debt. In addition, his father resorts to violence instead of trying to understand Gregor. “When from behind, his father gave him a hard shove, which was truly salvation, and bleedly profusely, he fled far into his room.” (19) Gregor’s father shoved him so hard that it surprised him and Gergor quickly escaped back into his room. Despite Gregor being his son, Gergor’s father showed no mercy towards him when he tried to get rid of him. Gergor’s father was so focused on trying to protect his family that he fails in doing so because he shows no compassion towards his own son, discrimination and resorting to violence against him, more than he did when Gregor was human. Just because of his physical appearance, G

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