Marijuana is the dried leaves flowers, stems, and seeds from the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. Many teenagers begin using Marijuana due to its association with siblings, or friends. Teens are surrounded by marijuana users, and its depictions in music videos, movies, and media. Due to these depictions, many people think that it's cool to use as well. Numerous people believe that Marijuana does not have any harmful effects. While this may be true, there are also long term, and deterrent objectives that Marijuana is associated with The short term effects of Marijuana creates the draw of why some teenagers would use this dysfunctional drug. Marijuana plays with the chemicals in the brain, and distorts the learning sections. The way teens think, can be altered in a few of inhalations. Short term affects include increased heart rates, anxiety, and panic attacks. When teenagers abuse Marijuana they tend to be less aware of their surroundings, and have a slower reaction time, than people who don’t use. This can be especially harmful to teens, with school work, and addictions. Smoking teens tend to use forty-five percent of their money just to purchase Marijuana. A new study from Switzerland, says that Marijuana might not be harmful, but rather favorable to teens. The study inferred that teens who smoke cigarettes and marijuana, tend to drop out of school and become drunks. However, the teens that only smoke Marijuana, occasionally cut school, but have much better grades; they even tend to move on to college. Articles deride Marijuana, exaggerating the effects that it has on people. Teens find that Marijuana helps them get through tough times, and keeps them happy. Without Marijuana, some may feel suicidal. Marijuana is generally considered to be a dangerous drug, but may prove beneficial in some instances. Many teenagers begin using of marijuana, due to what they witness. Marijuana may not always be a bad drug. It can be used for helpful p