A theme of change and evolution are present in the plays, "A Doll’s House," and, "The Cherry Orchard." The former is demonstrated through women, and the later is demonstrated in social classes. The challenges in each play are alike. "A Doll’s House," by Henrik Ibsen, and, "The Cherry Orchard," by Anton Chekhov, will be compared in terms of character, sense of self, and of society. In, "A Doll’s House," the protagonist, Nora, is a married woman with a close friend, Doctor Rank. Rank does all he can for Nora and her husband. When he is dying, Rank confesses his feelings towards Nora, "To have loved you as much as anyone can?" (Ibsen 40). The strange romance between Nora and Doctor Rank, shows how love can be hard to follow. A similar case in, "The Cherry Orchard," is between the student Trophimof, and Anya, the daughter of Madame Ranevsky. Act 1 it ends with Trophimof calling Anya, "My sunshine" (Chekov 336). This is the first act of a potential romance between the two. Later on, Trophimof walks in with Anya, and then the rich Lopahkin makes a comment. Trophimof defends Anya, and himself. The audience then finds out that that they do have a romance. "Varya is so afraid we might suddenly fall in love with each other that she hasn’t left us alone for days. With her narrow mind she can’t understand we are above love. We are moving irresistibly toward the bright star that burns in the distance! Forward! Do not fall behind, friends!" (350). In, "A Doll’s House," Torvald dislikes his employee Krogstand, due to the fraud he committed. "Just to thin how a guilty man like that has to lie and play hypocrite with everyone" (Ibsen 27). Since Torvald is now the boss he controls Krogstand fate at the bank. Just like in, "The Cherry Orchard," Lopahkin had the power and money to buy the cherry orchard from Madame Ranevsky, to disrespect Madame Lopahkin. The roles have now change in social class, and Lopahkin bought it to sho