
Behavioral Effects of Domestic Violence

21 Pages 403 Words 1557 Views

Many people suffer from abuse, by their partner, in any type of relationship. There are many types of domestic violence including physical aggression, or assault. Making threats is another type of assault like emotional violence, intimidation, sexual abuse, and stalking. Domestic violence could mean many different things depending on context. Domestic Violence is any type of physical, psychological, economic, or sexual violence that happens within families, or domestic partners. After someone is affected by domestic violence, many of their behaviors can change. Common behaviors after abuse are, depression, and bitterness. They could also try to change themselves, because they thought that they were the problem. Their outlook on people changes, because they never thought the person that they trusted, would ever do anything to hurt them. They are often very confused, because they could not figure out why their partner was so angry all the time. They may be constantly paranoid of what was to come next, or if they would make out alive the next time. They may not want to leave the relationship because they kept convincing themselves that their partner would change. They may want to believe their partner's apologies. They also might not want to leave because of the children. Victims of abuse may also be scared to leave because for fear of retaliation. Sometimes victims of domestic violence may become hospitalized, or nearly killed. That is often when they decide to get out of the relationship. Many people who go through domestic violence, need some type of therapy. I cannot stand the thought of someone getting hurt, for no reason at all. I have always known that abuse is serious, and occurs often, but I never realized how many people suffer. Not only do I get upset about the abusers, but it also upsets me that the victim will not leave the relationship. They think that they love their partner, and they do not want to leave them. However,

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