Technology is a wonderful thing; however, we must ensure that we do not abuse it. New advancements such as cloning and appliances can have a positive impact on our lives if they are used correctly. On the other hand, if we abuse technology we might find that it will cause more harm than good. Our ability to clone living things continues to advance. Although cloning may easily be a benefit to society, by potentially making organ replacement almost 75% easier, and helping future genetic research by giving scientists more to work on, the negative outcome of cloning humans outweighs the positives. Many believe that cloning is extremely unnatural and effectively “playing the roll of god.” Cloning is also said to have the ability to potentially create extinction in the sense that if all humans are the same or similar, surviving new viruses that arise would become a very difficult task due to the loss of gene diversity. Richard Nicholson from the British bulletin of medical ethics says that “if we begin human cloning then we are sowing seeds of our own destruction." In Ray Bradbury’s text, "Marionettes, Inc." It is shown that the rise of technology can become very dangerous. Ray sends this message through Marionettes, Inc. where a man who cloned himself had his life taken over by his clone who essentially became evil and spiteful towards him. The story enlightens us on yet another way cloning may possibly be a scary harm to society. Modern technology is being used more and more in our lives. This can be viewed in two different angles. Nowadays we have technological objects that basically take the effort out of just about everything, for e.g, cleaning, cooking, and even simple actions like switching off the television or watering the garden. Some of these actions being simplified with technology are a complete relief of stress, a huge time saver and even a form of entertainment. But just like every issue modern technology has its down