After being led by a new CEO, and creative director, they decided to “revamp” the store completely. When before, customers were unable to reach the merchandise, or were unable to find the product due to either overstocking the floor, or having under stocked shelves. The store also had a dark, and gloomy atmosphere. Customers were unable to find pieces they liked from the window mannequins due to the mess, and organization of the Lucky Brand store. It also had an outdated look with the wood displays, and warm color interior. Giving customers the wrong impression of their merchandise in the store. The problems of Lucky Brand stores are endless, leaving customers unhappy. Either the fashions not being up to date or having the store be a cluttered mess. Therefore, knowing all the customer complications, and issues with the stores the new heads of the company took the matters in the own hands and redesigned the layout of the store completely. They added different shelving allowing the customers to no longer reach for merchandise and rather grab the merchandise right in front of their eyes. They displayed the clothes in an organized matter, pilled neatly on more up to date displays. Repainting the walls, and changing the floor plan Lucky Brand showed to their customers the stores can be cozy and fashionable too. Allowing these dramatic changes to the stores can allow customers to really get to see the merchandise, and the newest collections. Changing the layout of the store can allow customers that are walking by and see the newest merchandise walk in, and turn into potential customers. Having customers walk in and really look and see the new styles that they saw in the window displays placed right inside the door will also allow customers to purchase goods they wanted in a easy and fast manor allowing the stores sales revenue to increase. Having new customers, keeping the old will allow Lucky Brand to be back into the “hot stores” to