
Dangers of Social Networking

21 Pages 522 Words 1557 Views

Ever since computers and the internet have become widely used in our society, most people have become addicted to them. People prefer spending their time to play online games, rather than playing real games outdoors. This situation worsened when social networking was introduced to the public. There are actually dangers associated with social networking. Social networking is one of the most popular Internet activities among adults, teenagers, and children. It involves using websites such as Facebook and Twitter, to share information with others. The aim is to connect by creating a personal profile online. There are currently more than 800 million Facebook users worldwide. I have my own account to connect with and contact my friends, classmates, and teachers. Most of the online interactions I have with my friends is for fun. Social networking is enjoyable, but there are many dangers involved in this activity which we need to be more aware of. Most social networking sites require members to be at least eighteen years of age. However, underage users can easily fake their dates of birth, to get themselves registered on these websites. I just have to make sure that I have registered myself as the minimum age required. However, as underage users may not be aware of privacy issues, we may inadvertently post personal information, or inappropriate photographs online. We seldom think that this will be important, and never consider that this information might fall into the wrong hands. We could become victims of harassment, or cyber-bullying, which could cause emotional stress. Before the existence of social networking websites, the Internet use to be primarily a resource used for information. Now, most people depend on it as a communication tool. This can lead to an unhealthy culture, where we spend more time socialising via a computer, rather than through face-to-face interactions. The invention of the smart phone, which enables people to get o

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