In, "The Epic of Gilgamesh," Gilgamesh and Enkidu dream about messages, that try to explain what the future has to offer. Starting from tablet number 1, the dreams are like a fragment of the future. After some time, they learn that these directives prove useful at times of need, and that they are also a primary form of communication from the gods. Gilgamesh’s first dream is about how Enkidu arrives on this earth, in the form of a meteorite. In the dream, Gilgamesh goes to the crash site, to try and move the meteorite, but is unable to. In spite of that, Gilgamesh was filled with joy because all the people of Uruk came to help Gilgamesh move the boulder to his mother’s house. When he showed it to Ninsun, Gilgamesh’s mother, she proclaimed Enkidu as Gilgamesh’s brother. She also says that, “there will come to you a mighty man, a comrade who saves his friend.” (Tablet I Line 248). This foreshadows Enkidu saving Gilgamesh’s life. In tablet 4, while on their quest to defeat Humbaba, Gilgamesh prays to the gods to help him by sending him dreams.This happens after Gilgamesh falls asleep. He is woken by a terrible nightmare, which he described to Enkidu as a mountain was falling on top of them. Enkidu knew better, and told Gilgamesh that there is no need to worry, since it meant that they are going to defeat Humbaba. While on the same quest, Gilgamesh prays for another dream. He wakes up in the middle of the night, with another terrifying dream. He describes to Enkidu that he was fighting a fearsome bull, and at the last minute was saved by a mysterious figure. He was also given water to drink. Again, Enkidu explained to Gilgamesh that the bull is Shamash, the protector, and the mysterious figure was Lugalbanda, Gilgamesh’s dead father. Gilgamesh has many terrifying dreams on the way to The Cedar Forest. Enkidu listens to Gilgamesh's dreams, and explains to Gilgamesh that these scary dreams hold the meaning of well being and