Almost everything needs electricity to operate. This essay will focus on a basic electricity using device, the cell phone. The phone has become like an appendage of the body, permanently stuck to our hands. It guides us through our everyday lives. It is used as an alarm, to help us wake up. A weather predictor, that helps us decide what to wear for the day. It can be used for phone calls, or sending a quick text. It guides us with it's GPS, helping us to avoid traffic jams, construction, and accidents, allowing us to get to places on time. It helps us plan our meals, and can help us diet. It also keeps all of our contacts recorded. If we did not have electricity to charge our cell phones, we would be lost. Sure, we could probably set one of those old fashioned alarms, but honestly, who knows how to work those things? We could also look outside, glance at the sky and try to predict the weather for the day. Doing so might lead us to wearing some nice open toed shoes, only to get our feet soaking wet when an unexpected rain shower caught us. We could leave it up to chance and and take the shortcut to work or school, only to find out that there is a construction truck blocking the road. Then we might end up sitting in traffic for an extra 20 minutes. We could try to track our meals, in a daily planner, writing down all the calories consumed. However, this would have to be done before sundown, because after that, we would't be able to see. Last but not least, we couldn't revert to calling our loved ones on a phone, because they use electricity. These instances are only having to deal with not being able to charge a cell phone. Many other convenience in our lives run off of electricity. There would be no more hot baths drawn, just by opening the faucet. There would be no late nights, watching television or movies. There would be no more arguments about who left the porch light on all day, not necessarily a bad thing. Last minute flights t