James Baldwin, the astounding writer of a captivating and majestic piece of work, lays the foundation of a moral and spiritual message in “Sonny’s Blues”.There were countless outstanding biblical references and situations used to narrate the story, the parable of the Prodigal Son in relation to the two sons, brotherly love and compassion, the faith of both brothers, light and darkness and more significantly, the “cup of trembling”. The very same lessons the bible teaches us, were incorporated in the story. The parable of the Prodigal Son tells the story of a man who has two sons. One of the sons, perhaps the youngest, asked his father for inheritance. Upon receiving it, the son distances himself in a distant place, and wastes every dime on material items. As the money grew thinner and thinner, the son received a job working with pigs. Eventually, he recognizes what he had done, and pleaded forgiveness from his father, which he receives. “Sonny's Blues” very similarly features two boys taking different paths. The elder takes the narrow path and the younger takes the other leading towards the darkness, influenced by bad habits and addictions in the world. The elder son makes a man of himself; he has accomplished many great things, being a mathematics teacher especially. On the other hand, the younger son has made nothing but a fool of himselfas he chooses the road of drugs, he is even displayed locally as a drug salesman, which was the reason for his recent incarceration. “The narrator stairs at the newsprint on the paper in his hands, which spells out the words of his brothers, ‘S-O-N-N-Y’ and the story behind it” (Baldwin 362). The narrator began to create an image of a “block of ice” in his stomach, and physically as he describes his clothing “wet” from the melting of the ice. Like a record, everything began to replay in the narrators head; he pictures his mother, “She stood up from the window and came over to me. ‘You got to hold on to your brother’ she said, ‘and don’t let him fall ,no matter what it looks like is happening to him and no matter how evil you gets with him. You going to be evil with him many a time. But don’t forget what I told you, you hear?’” (Baldwin 372). Like the older brother in the Prodigal son that expressed little concern for his elder brother, he eventually started to reminisce about the promise he had made to their mother. The narrator promised his mothe