
Social Media and Today's Youth

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The definition of social media is “forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content." Over the last decade, the online world has changed dramatically. Thanks to the invention of social media, young men and women now exchange ideas, feelings, personal information, pictures and videos at a truly astonishing rate. About seventy percent of teens use social media daily, and on average, a teen sends a hundred texts per day. Unfortunately, social media can encourage bad behavior such as procrastination, as well as an increase in the likelihood to drink and do drugs. However, many of these sites do help develop important knowledge and social skills. Whether it is for good or bad reasons, social media is being utilized by teens everywhere on a daily basis, and the numbers will only increase from here on out (Jain). One of the biggest issues occurring through social media is cyber bullying. Everyone has heard of it and knows it occurs, but not everyone realizes that sixty-five percent of kids between the ages of eight and fourteen have been involved directly or indirectly in a cyber bullying incident. Bullying has been an issue since the beginning of time, but now kids can hide behind their screens and dish-out harmful words or content that seriously ruin others self-esteem. It is also extremely difficult for this content to be deleted once it is out on the Internet. In some cases, the posts are completely anonymous making bullying such an easy task with no consequences (Jain). There was an app created this year by two Furman University students known as Yik Yak. The idea was to connect people through anonymous, location-based posts, and it was intended mainly for college campuses (Crook). Unfortunately, a lot of the posts on this app are cyber bullying. Even though each post is usually up for a couple of hours, with the amount of users on it daily, some posts take days to be forgotten due to word of mouth. I experienced the harsh bullying that could occur from this app first hand during this past school year. Being from the small suburban town of Glen Rock, just about everyone knew each other. One week, Yik Yak exploded in popularity and everyone had it, used it, and talked about it all the time; it seemed as if that was all everyone was doing. My town, however, was not using the app the way it was intended to be used. Almost all the post were bullying. There were kids who's names would pop up 10 times a day and not a single nice thing was said. Then the next day in school everyone would talk about the “yaks” that occurred the past day. “Did you see what was said about John!?” “Look at this yak I screen-shotted about Lauren”. It was ridiculous how terribly mean some people were on it. There were people crying in the bathrooms each day while others held their tears back, but you could see the depression that had overcome them. Finally, the administration and parents had caught on and e-mails were sent out about it, and we even had an assembly about the app and cyber bullying in general. Luckily, the use of this app became “uncool” and the popularity died down. This “Yik Yak plague” was over after about two weeks, and all was well again in Glen Rock. Now this is just a first hand experien

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