
Knowing the Future in Macbeth

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In the play "Macbeth," Banquo states, “What, can the devil speak true?” This quote is a perfect example of how anyone can get demolished when they know the future. Banquo however is a noble character unlike Macbeth in the play. This quote was Banquo’s reaction after he heard about what the witches had to say to his future but he did not show any importance. Macbeth however on the other side reacted differently, he instead of disagreeing with what the witches have said. He actually liked what they were saying and got extremely existed about the news they had said and he was willing to do anything in order to have their words become real. Banquo on the other side did not even want to listen to the witches prophecy nor think about them even though he got some motives on killing Duncan just as Macbeth had, he did not follow these motives and decided to continue on with his life normally. “Man doesn’t control his own fate. The woman is his life does that for him.” Here the woman is Lady Macbeth, Macbeth’s wife who is Macbeth main motivator and influencer on making Macbeth take all the actions he never thought he could one day make. She was the woman who fed him with courage to go on and kill king Duncan so she could be the princess. Lady Macbeth was more like a mother than a wife, take full control of all Macbeth’s actions and planning everything for him and he just follows her orders. When she heard about the witches prophecy she immediately invited the evil spirits inside of her to unsex her and don’t feel any emotions anymore, take all her feminism and give her a man’s heart to go through with the murder. She came up with the plan and waited for Macbeth to come back because she knew how to manipulate him into it and make him follow her plan. She said that she would smash her son’s head against the wall if he tried to stop her and that shows how much of a determined woman she is on achieving what she really wants. P

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