Understanding the concept of autism is very important. According to the first article titled, “Autism” by Carol Turkingston, the possible causes and diagnosis of autism and possible treatments. Carol describes autism as a severe, lifelong disorder of brain function that gives inability with social contact, intelligence, speaking correctly, and compulsive behavior. Autism can also cause personal issues such as the feeling of not being related to others, which must be very frustrating. The consequences of autism can range from mild to severe. Researchers have found possible abnormalities in some parts of the brain that occurs during fetal development and they also believe that there’s a strong genetic basis for autism. In the article, Carol quoted, “Scientists suspect that a faulty gene or genes might make a person vulnerable to develop to autism in the presence of other factors, such as chemical imbalance, viruses or chemicals, or a lack of oxygen at birth.” In other words, there’s a possibility that a faulty or damaged gene, chemical disproportion, and less oxygen during childbirth might be the causes of autism during the stage of infancy. In addition, autism can’t be diagnosed with any medical tests but it’s diagnosed by observing child’s behavior with language problems, restricted interests and activity, sensory problems and intellectual. Unfortunately, there is no treatment that can cure autism but there are treatments and exercises that may reduce certain behaviors, feelings, and symptoms. Another possible causation of autism is that elderly fathers of age 45 or older are at risk for having children born with disabilities such as autism. According to the second article titled, “Mental Illness Risk Higher for Children of Older Fathers, Study Find” Benedict Carey discusses that infants born to middle-aged fathers are more likely to be born with autism, attention deficit, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. In th