
The Sudanese Civil War

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“Terror, no unity, no education, no healthcare, no jobs, poor economy, wide spread poverty, & young boy soldiers” (notes). There is a civil war going on in Southern Sudan with the Northern Muslim government is fighting the Southern christian SPLA. It started in 1956 over resources and religious conflict. They are attacking villages, killing the adults, kidnapping the kids & burning the towns down. Should the USA help Southern Sudan? The USA should help Southern Sudan because, we have the resources, it can end the violence & because of moral obligation. The U.S.A should help Southern Sudan because we have the resources. “People are dying from snake bites and starvation” (P.112) The USA is number one in obesity so , Therefore, we have extra food to provide. The U.S.A can provide medication for those who been bitten by snakes. The U.S.A can also provide food from the food donation that the U.S have so the people want stave. “I grabbed the antibiotics and ran away. They shouted look at this boy. He’s a really really bad boy. He doesn’t want to listen to what the doctor says” (P.146-147) In sudan, the children from the South had to steal medicine just to get themselves healed. If the U.S gets involved then the children wouldn’t have to suffer or steal. We can just help them out by giving it to them. Therefore, since we have an abundance of supplies such as, food, water, clothing & etc. we should help the Southern Sudan. The U.S.A should also help Southern Sudan because it can end the violence. “When Benson stated BOOM! BANG! TAAT! TUUK! Bullets flew from the Ethiopian side to our side of the river” (P.139). This supports that the U.S needs to help Southern Sudanese because they are unarmed and no matter where they go people are trying to kill them. The U.S.A had the weapons that that the Sudanese lack and if we help provide military support than we could save thousands of rivers in Sudan. “Two-Three hundred boys

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