Happiness is a natural feeling, which means it cannot be controlled. We all need or want to feel joy. In order to be joyful, some people escape from reality to pursue their happiness. The short story, ‘’Paul’s Case ‘’ written by Willa Cather, deal with the idea of the addictive nature of visual art, music and money and reveals that people tend to use these as a drug to escape their everyday lives to pursue happiness. To begin with, Paul's case is a story about a teenager boy who felt that he did not belong in his life, he felt as if he was meant to fit in an upper class but he never wanted to work for it. One of the things that Paul loved the most was visual art and he uses it to escape from his boring life. At the beginning of the story Paul is at school, after school he goes straight to his work place called Carnegie hall where he worked as an usher. Because he is early, he goes to the Hall’s gallery and looks at paintings. He loses himself in one particular painting, a “blue Rico.” This shows how viewing art is like a drug to Paul because he preferred to go to work early just to look at paintings before his shift instead of going to his old-fashioned house to eat. As Paul views the art, he is transported to a new frame of mind and his whole demeanor changes as if he is high. Viewing art helps him to escape from reality because it satisfies his urge to feel a part of the upper class and made him happier. Music was also a way for Paul to avoid his middle class life. “When the symphony began, Paul sank into one of the rear seats, with a long sigh of the relief. It was not that symphonies, as such, meant anything in particular to Paul, but the first sigh of the instruments seemed to free some hilarious and potent spirit within him" This quote suggest that when the singer started to sing at the Carnegie hall, Paul felt even more transported in a new world and he felt a sudden zest of life. Even after the concert Paul d