Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries philosophes, known as French philosophers, discussed political, economic, social, and religious questions that helped shape how we live today. During their meetings the philosophes hoped to discover new ways to understand and improve their society. With the belief of natural laws, using reason to discover truths, and Isaac Newton’s laws, many new ideas came into play throughout the Enlightenment Period. What was the main idea of the French philosophers during the Age of Enlightenment? Their most basic ideas were that the people should have a voice in government, to have more religious tolerance, that government should not be able to control the economy, and the importance of the role of women. The people should have some power in government and be able to stand up for what they think is wrong. John Locke, who wrote the Second Treatise on Civil Government, strongly encouraged a democracy opposed to an absolute monarchy. He wrote this specific piece in 1690, 86 years before the American Declaration of Independence which is important because his ideas were taken and put into the American Declaration of Independence and that shows how brilliant and innovative they truly are. He expressed that people are free within reason meaning that they must abide by the laws but other than that they are free to do as they please. He focused on the legislative and executive branches of government to make and enforce the laws so his ideas could be possible. Locke also mentioned the idea of people leaving a failed government. This proves that the people should have a say because they, if the government is not doing what they are supposed to be doing like making laws/enforcing them, can tell them to stop and hire an entire new government. Locke also talked about human equality and that everyone should be equal without complaining about it. That idea is important because Locke is trying to get away from the peasant/nobility lifestyle that he had far too much experience with and it never turned out well when someone was filthy rich while other people were barely getting by and being treated as if they were n