Free will from the very beginning of time has been thought of being connected with a persons inner morality. For centuries philosophers and teachers have conversed in an ongoing debate whether or not a human possesses free will. Topics like art, relationships, sports, law, and ones own personal achievements give people the idea that these topics all had to come from a source of someone’s free willed actions. With this being said, perhaps the question is not if creatures have free will, but how much free will we have is. Plato argues that free will is an illusion to all, as our futures have already been planned and determined from the moment of conception. The myth of Er explains to people that humans do not chose how to live their lives, as it is predetermined in their passed life. In battle the son of Armenius was killed but instead of decomposing as the rest of the deceased proceeded to do, Er came to life on the twelfth day of death(614b). After Er came to life he told his story of what he had seen on his journey, he explained there were two openings side by side one going up to heaven and one going down below. Er said there were judges that decided your future for you based on your actions in this life (614c). Er then said “Whatever wrongs they had done anyone, and whatever people they had all wronged, for all these in turn they had to pay a penalty” (615b). This quote means that based on a persons actions, the penalty could be as severe as giving them the life of a tyrant in their new life; preceding their fate, limiting their free will. The myth of Er can be interpreted in different ways, however in every different way the ending remains the same; our lives are chosen for us, and are predetermined from the moment of conception which means that free will is an illusion given to our minds allowing us to think we are the source of these actions and ideas. In Plato’s perspective he believes to reach a good life or for ones