
The America I Love by Elie Weisel

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In “The America I Love,” by Elie Weisel, the author shares a story where he was personally affected in a negative way by his home country, and the freedom he felt when an American soldier came and rescued him. Elie Weisel has gone through more than one person goes through in their entire life. He has experienced sadness, happiness, loneliness, suffering and pain. He is one that I would say is strong both internally and externally. The Holocaust is something that will forever be in our History books, and will be learned year after year. Being part of such a horrible experience sticks with you forever; flashbacks, night terrors, and remembrances all occur, and bring you back to that petrifying place that scarred you for life. This brilliantly written article not only hits home, but it also reminds us of the freedom that we, as American citizens, are blessed with. Although Elie Weisel gives a strong argument as to why he loves America, he relies too much on pathos, very little on ethos and no logos to truly prove his point, and leaves the reader wondering why America is truly a place to love. In “The America I love” Elie Weisel gives a little background as to why America will always have a special place in his heart. In the 1940’s, Elie was a subject of the Holocaust. As a young Jewish man, he was put into Buchenwald Concentration Camp simply because of his religious background. He recollects the day when the American soldier was able to free him from his concentration camp. Shortly after, Weisel wanted to come to a place where he would feel free and truly at home. So he decided to become a citizen of the United States of America. Weisel goes on to say that America, like any other country, has gone through many problems; war, racism, terrorist attacks, and loss. Yet, through all of those difficulties, America is always the country to help. Whether it is Europe or anywhere in the Middle East, America lends a helping hand. Elie Weisel has the utmost faith in the American government and population. He portrays this through “The America I Love.” Elie Weisel is remarkable when it comes to using pathos. Throughout the beginning of the article, he wants the reader to sympathize with him whe

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