
Text Messaging While Driving

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In this case, my research question is “why is text messaging while driving a leading cause of road accidents today?” The reason for asking this question is to address the issue of uncountable deaths that are caused by texting while driving. Statistics provided by a recent study conducted by the Cohen Children Medical Centre show that more than 3000 teenagers die annually in accidents due to the texting behavior while driving. 50% of teenagers admit to texting while driving. Studies also show that drivers are twenty-three times more likely to be involved in car accidents if texting and that distracted driving is becoming more socially acceptable among teenagers. Various studies have also shown that the texting while driving makes a young driver’s reaction time very slow in that it is comparable to that of a 70-year old and that teen drivers are four times more likely than adults to get into car accidents. My intended is audience for the exploration is the age group of between thirteen and twenty years old because statistics have shown many accidents occur in this age range due to texting while driving. I will use a research plan I intend to use the primary sources of information. Here I will go into the field to conduct primary research by collecting raw data about the issue of texting while driving and using methods such as oral interviews and questionnaires. I will also use secondary sources of information, such as books, journals articles, and newsletters. I will obtain them from online sources. Bibliographical works, almanacs, encyclopedias, chronologies and monographs would be my tertiary sources of information, and I will find them in the library and other institutions, such as hospitals. I will obtain additional information from the various websites which are a primary source as well as the commentaries and criticisms. Having done this, I will obtain quality information to be used in my project writing. Annotated Bibliography for the Project National Safety Council (2003) Traffic Safety-Volumes3

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