When exploring all different areas of life, the discoveries made will challenge and change ones understanding of self through experience and growth of knowledge. Without the significance of a discovery the individual would not learn or develop as a person, they would stay the same, but the unexpected and sometimes expected search of new places, things and people force the individual to grown insightful and become moved by the different things they experience and discover. This is why discovery is significant in terms of gaining a new understanding of self. To support these ideas the text Stopping By The Woods On A Snowing Evening and Film Last Song help to give readers a greater picture of how a new discovery can lead to a new understanding of self. When a person is focused on one way of travel or goal that person can sometimes be oblivious to other ways of travel and new and possibly better goals. Unless the individual’s focus has been questioned and changed the person will remain unaware of what else life has to offer. In the poem Stopping By The Woods on a Snowy Evening it is believed by readers that the persona is unhappy and his mind set is at a low, which could be concluded by the quote “The darkest evening of the year.” where he quiet possibly considers the idea of stopping in the woods on a snowy evening, to rest and never return because the lovely, dark and deep woods tempt him and intrigue him to stay. Supported by the quote itself “The woods are lovely, dark and deep.” The questioning is made by the horse he is riding using the technique of personification to emphasize the horses addition to the poem. This changes the tone from glum to upbeat and the direction of travel for the man. By doing this he stops thinking of what he would want and thinks of the people he has made promises to, where he decides to continue his journey home and makes the statement “and miles to go before I sleep” twice which is a form of repetition. This emphasizes the idea that the persona has a long and strenuous journey ahead of him. For the persona to be wanting to escape into the dark and lovely woods that he is tempted by to then change his direction of travel and process