
Choosing When to Die

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Today healthcare is a big issue and part of modern society; healthcare is the prevention of illness. And of course everyone has their opinion in how to solve a certain problem and doctors and sometimes biologist around the world debate and discuss about the solution of these problems. One the problems that brings up more discussion is Euthanasia or medically assisted suicide, which is practically killing or permitting the death of very sick or injured patients in painless ways for mercy, of course with the patient’s consent. There are two types of Euthanasia, active euthanasia and passive euthanasia. Active euthanasia is when the doctor gives something to the patient that will stop the patient’s heart painlessly or any other way to terminate the patient’s life. In the other hand passive euthanasia is when the patient is dying and the medical staff just does not react or tries to save the patient’s life; the patients has to sign a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) form at being admitted to the Hospital however, each procedure must be legally processed. To fully understand or make an opinion about Euthanasia and why it is a problem, first we must learn and see other people’s opinion. The euthanasia debate is an issue that is important to me because I just cannot watch, be or know that someone is in terrible-hopeless pain or that is not having a quality life, this must be an self-decided matter, the people must be able to decide if they want to continue living on life support or if they are not even able to do the basic things to sustain life by themselves like enjoy a tasty food, a relaxing bubble-bath, go to the restroom or maintain a conversation with someone, if they are hook to a machine or being fed by a gastric tube or going to the restroom by a catheter, that is fine if it is temporal but, if is not in my opinion if they do not want to live like that why not let them decide if they want to leave this world already. I have being

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