Congratulations. Five syllables. One word. A million sparks of energy surge through my body sending my every nerve into a hypnotic awe. It was as though you were falling in a dream and being kicked out of it. A moment of realisation this must be just a dream, and for that reason alone I refuse to let it sink into my conscience. The world will remain a tone, a sound wave having happened to penetrate through my very existence, bouncing off the walls of my ears. Those alike to me filled their faces with confusion; a hidden envy for all that has been given to me. Each of their pupils reflects my own face. A face holding a balance of gratitude and respect, and the other an anticipation of disappointment. My role in my future has been just to wait, but after countless years of just waiting, the future grows dark and sneering, ugly and terrifying. Its laughter reverberating off the walls I have faced each and every day. The unknown becomes a scary place, when all you know becomes all you had – my own defence is the reason to my hopelessness. I cling to familiarity only to find myself alone in my own confinement. My ‘personal space’ lost its liberty many years ago. When you are handed the gateway, to an exit, the very though will literally make your stomach convulse. With every knot untied, the memories spill forward. I remember many things about life outside. I cannot let them slip. I spent my day is everything but thinking. Desperately, I attempted to keep busy. Perhaps all I needed was to remain detached and secluded. My friends began to distance themselves, readying for the very moment of finally saying goodbye. I nod as l walk through our gathering place; they nod back, dismissing my presences as a distraction from their own battles. I allow them that and feel nothing; to them I am now just like a mosquito that stings until you itch a testament to an unhomely invasion. I slept little and dreamt a lot. These were the symptoms of a t