
The Abortion Debate Continues

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Abortion is a murder and killing an unborn child should be punished. I don’t understand why there is debate over whether or not abortion should be a legal option .There might be reasons why some women don’t want to have a baby but at the end is the wrong thing to do by choosing abortion. There are so many other options they could choose, the main one would be giving the baby for adoption. Randy Hultgren a house representative wrote about abortion and there he said, “When we tell one another that abortion is okay, we reinforce the idea that human lives are disposable, that we can throw away anything or anyone that inconvenience us.” Randy Hultgren is trying to say that we can’t just kill someone else's life just because they made a mistake, and by doing that they would always find an easy way out of everything. Unborn babies are human beings with a right to life. I believe that adults should accept the responsibility if they become pregnant, unborn babies should not be punished for a mistake made by the adult. Even if contraceptives were used there is always that percent chance that the woman could get pregnant. It’s immoral that some women are using abortion as a form of contraception, since women are using abortion as a birth control births have fell by 6 percent. In some states, to be specific 38 states they have passed a law that abortion is a murder. They said it’s a murder because an unborn child is a member of the species home sapiens, and for me that I’m catholic abortion is the killing of a human being. This defies the word of god, on his sixth commandment when he said, “thou shall not kill, which it means you shall not murder by the rules in the bible. There has been a battle whether abortion should be legalized or not. In my opinion abortion shouldn’t be even an option for women to choose. Even though I do not agree with abortion there are some cases that people have no choice but to choose abortion. For example, there have been occasions that some fetuses have profound abnormalities. Resembling to anencephaly, in which the brain is missing, and limb-body wall complex, in which organs develop outside the body cavity. These disorders in most occasions death is guaranteed before or presently after birth. In which for it would be brutal to force women to carry fetuses with fatal congenital defects to term. In the other hand women are just using that for an excuse. There have been some cases in which some fetuses have genetic abnormalities that don’t lead

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