In the book, Schooling in Capitalist America, Samuel Bowles and Gintis have critically highlighted numerous issues related to the reformation of education in the American society – which have had a prominent impact and continuously prove to have a strong correlation to the educational structure for decades now . During their research period, the reformers believed that, the education system is the answer to ensuring positive nurturing of the younger generations and most importantly, the key to achieving economic equality in the American society.Contrastively, Bowles and Gintis did not agree with the reformers, hence presented their arguments to understand why did the education system failed to produce economic equality and to perform the roles the reformers expected them to. Firstly, they claimed that the reformers are wrong to assume that the education system is the driving force of economic equality in the first place. It is a known fact that individuals’ educational attainment have always been influenced by their respective family background. Therefore, regardless the fact that : “Since World War 1 , there has been a dramatic increase in the general level of education in the United States, “(Bowles & Gintis 1976 : 8) . Economic equality are not bound to occur if those from the lower classes will continuously leave education institutions earlier ,have shorter educational experience, and possess limited educational knowledge as compared to the upper classes children. Hence, it should come as no surprise that the educational system has not led to a notable economic equalization among individuals of differing social backgrounds. Next, Bowles and Gintis has also argued that the economic inequality produced by the educational system has nothing to do with genetic or inherited intelligence of an individual. Although the social background of an individual does determine the opportunities and amount of education one receives, their soc