
Cross-Cultural Communication

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?I am honored to be considered as a potential representative of the company for the upcoming international conference on cross-cultural communications. With the continuous advancements in modern technology and the easy access to the Internet promoting our company has become never been more widespread than ever before. We can now reach geographical locations from west to the east coast, and even reach our international partners across the seas within seconds. And, given that we can now access people remotely as if we were working face-to-face, cross-cultural communications has become the new norm. There are a six principles to take into consideration when dealing with cross-cultural communications; similarities, differences, diversity, respect, acknowledgment, and empathy. Given that there are many different cultural contexts, this brings new communication challenges to the workplace. For example, U.S. English and U.K. English speak the same language; however, they have different word contexts. It is important to understand how each culture uses words in context so that you do not say something out of place and could unknowingly disrespect the receiver(s) of the message. That is why it is important for the sender to understand and educate themselves on the cultural differences when speaking to another culture. Learning even the basics of a culture and at least some of the language of communication is vital to maintaining an open dialect. It is even necessary for the most simplistic forms of contact as in simple greetings and physical connections, which can be a tricky subject in inter-cultural communications. For example, in the U.S. kissing a business associate in greeting would seem fairly odd and inappropriate, but in Paris business associates would greet one another with a gentle peck on each cheek. Also, in the U.S. we use a firm handshake to greet business associates, however, in other countries that could seem as being disrespe

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