
Personal Faith Paper

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During my entire life I have many experiences as growing up that have shaped my character. I grew up in a single parent household with four other siblings me being the youngest. When growing up in my household my mother always taught us about God and the Bible. I always had a hard time reading the bible and my mother use to take me to bible study classes. I was raised into a Baptist church and went to church every Sunday. My mother worked six days a week but always made sure we went to church on Sundays. My mother would pray with us doing difficult and good times as well. I really didn’t know why prayer was so important growing up but my mother always said this was my time to talk to Jesus. I than began praying at a young age and continue to pray to this day. If we didn’t go to church on some Sundays my mother would still make sure we read the Bible or even look at some church shows on television. I never forget me and my siblings would get so mad at my mother, because we didn’t want to even go to church and just wanted to relax on our Sunday evenings. Growing up reading the bible was still hard for me especially trying to read out of the James King version. My mother even tried getting me the kid version to help me better understand. One experience I can remember when I was in high school trying out for the cheerleading team; this is when God really tested my faith. It was a lot of girls trying out for the team and I was so nervous and imitated as well. I continue to think I wouldn’t make it and mess up in tryout because I was always the shy girl. Just before try outs and the night before I prayed real hard that I make the cheerleading team. I didn’t make it the year before so I already had negative thoughts of not making the team. I end up doing an excellent job for tryouts and made the team with flying colors. I knew then God answered my prayers with no doubts. God was trying to test my faith I just didn’t know it at that

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