
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death

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The iconic words of this speech by Patrick Henry have inspired many people's lives and movie scenes alike. In 1775, as the colonists assembled at the Virginia Convention debated whether to mobilize forces against the British, Henry this speech in support of the resolution to go to war with Great Britain. At the time, this speech brought many people to terms to fighting the country that had once supported them. This is one of my favorite speeches simply because of the bravery Patrick Henry instilled in so many many colonists. This speech was important during this time period because so many people were thinking the same thing Henry was, but couldn't put it into words. This also got backing from numerous political leaders attending the convention. Not only is this speech Patrick Henry’s most enduring legacy, it is one of the best examples of the reason and the passion that gave birth to the Revolutionary War. This call to arms basically said that the war had already begun in the eyes of the British soldiers, and showed anybody who still wanted peace through submission to the rule of the crown that surrender was impossible. Henry believed that anyone who was not willing to go to war with Great Britain was deceived by their own naivety. The reasons why I like this speech are obvious, its because this speech embodies the passion of Americans to fight back and make a better world for ourselves. The “Give me liberty or give me death” quote, makes me want to go fight some red coats just by itself. This speech holds up pretty well in the test of time, and can be applied to certain real world situations. The fact that Patrick Henry actually made that up on the spot makes this speech even cooler, considering how powerful it actually was. If I was a representative of one of the colonies at the convention, I would have backed Henry just because of his speech. This speech is equally important in today’s world, countless references from movi

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